The Art of R. Geoffrey Blackburn

  •  R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Twilight on the Colorado" oil painting Twilight on the Colorado
  •  R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Two Hawks" oil painting Two Hawks
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Red Canyons" oil painting Red Canyons
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Indian Summer" oil painting Indian Summer
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Desert Rules" oil painting Desert Rules
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Road to Sedona" oil painting Road to Sedona
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Red Canyon, Lander" oil painting Red Canyon, Lander
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Two in the Bush" oil painting Two in the Bush
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Round Mountain" oil painting Round Mountain
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Castle Tower" oil painting Castle Tower
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Dead Horse 						Autumn-Approaching Storm" oil painting Dead Horse Autumn
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Pelicans Rising" oil painting Pelicans Rising
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Canyon Jewel" oil painting Canyon Jewel
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"What's Left" oil painting What's Left
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Temple of Sinawava" oil painting Temple of Sinawava
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Stalking Cougar" oil painting Stalking Cougar
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Early Risers" oil painting Early Risers
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Moab Blues" oil painting Moab Blues
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Bryce Canyon" oil painting Bryce Canyon
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Knobs" oil painting/ Knobs
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Soaring the Colorado" oilpainting Soaring the Colorado
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Walking Wild" oil painting Walking Wild
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Teton Dawn" oil painting Teton Dawn
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Hovering Specter" oil painting Hovering Specter
  • R. GeoffreyBlackburn"Castle Valley Thunder" oil painting Castle Valley Thunder
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Dead Horse Winterm" oil ainting Dead Horse Winter
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "High Desert Summer" oil painting High Desert Summer
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Desert Canyons" oil painting Desert Canyons
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Sedona Morning" oil painting Sedons Morning
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Sedona Burbsm" oil painting Sedona Burbs
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Desert Spires" oil painting Desert Spires
  • R. Geoffrey Blackburn "Red Desert" oil painting Red Desert

(click above for full image)

Oil Paintings: 1970-2025


How. Life Navigation-


RGB Video Tutorial

Oil painting techniques and tutorial for beginners or artists of all ages and skills. In this fine art TV show episode, R. Geoffrey Blackburn is interviewed by Put Some Colour In Your Life host and Master Artist, Graeme Stevenson. Now in its 18th season, is a television series that spans the globe.  Its mission: to build a library of the minds of artists to preserve a digital record of creative spirit, culture and techniques for future generations-  Please visit:

Palm Art Award

R. Geoffrey Blackburn"VIDA" Collection


In early 2017 I was approached by a San Francisco Fashion Design, firm VIDA, that had a very cool idea: use various artist's artwork on ultra high- quality, high-fashion women's apparel manufactured in exotic locations. Seemed like a winner to me provided the finished product was actually as awesome as my own art (modesty-be dammed). Ever the O.C.D. skeptic, I approached this very slowly.  I tried a few designs, then I purchased a couple of things, then couple more and could not believe it!  Actually AWESOME!.  Seriously. Check it out.

R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Twilight on the Colorado" oil painting index

R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Indian Summer" oil painting index

2015: Selected
 Hidden Treasure Art


R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Twilight on the Colorado" oil painting index

R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Indian Summer" oil painting index

2015: Selected
 International Guild of Realism
Masterworks Museum Tour

R. Geoffrey Blackburn"Twilight on the Colorado" oil painting index

Palm 14

2014 Awarded Best Landscape
International Guild of Realism 9thAnnual Juried Exhibition
at the Robert Lange Studios, Charlston, SC

Featured artist:
American Art Collector (October Edition)
"Beauty in Realism" article (Pgs. 158-160)


RGB in studio

2023 - Still vertical...

Why I do Western Landscape and Red Rock Paintings:

"I have always been fascinated by the incredible diversity and often unearthly beauty of the western United States.  I have hiked over various Western mountains and deserts prospecting for gold, silver and uranium. I have also been a ski racer and a ski instructor and so I am enamored with both alpine and desert landscapes in all seasons. Some of my earliest  paintings were of lakes and mountains, prospectors, cowboys and skiers (the latter, usually rendered in electric colors). But when I first visited Moab, Canyonlands and Arches (in Utah), I was truly smitten–artistic juices flowing! The geological marvels I encountered there just blew me away! I could have been on another planet! From that point on, Western landscape paintings particularly, red rock paintings have dominated my art.  While my friends were wearing suits hunkered down in offices, I was lucky enough to spend more than a decade prospecting and exploring this or that Western landscape and of course, also producing paintings of many of the scenes I prospected .

Even as Al Dart, my business partner and I trekked the outback prospecting, drilling, staking claims and doing deals, I also continued with my art, sketching and photographing along the way.  Between forays to our various properties I would return to my studio and create paintings.  If I had a thousand life times, I could never begin to paint even a fraction of the wonders I have seen. I was so inspired, that along with the numerous Western landscape paintings I produced, I even created and patented a new user-interactive art form/medium. This, in an effort to find yet another way to capture some of the amazing Western landscapes I had experienced. These earliest efforts focused on red rock themes-incorporating imagery inspired by from some of my red rock paintings. Since the late 1970's I have focused almost entirely on creating Western landscape paintings with a strong emphasis on desert and red rock canyon landscapes from around the Moab area. This area is very special to me as it is where so much of our mining property was located and our operations were based. In the last several years I have widened my focus to create landscape paintings of other Western vistas in Arizona and Wyoming. 
In my paintings, I try to create a scene the way you might remember it as opposed to the way it really is. I want you to be able to go into the scene and explore the various spaces–to feel like you are actually there. I want you to see something new every time you look at one of my paintings. The tight detail in my work makes this possible. With looser more "painterly" work, you are stopped at the surface of the painting. I tend to use a lot of glazes that is to say, I paint "thin"– using very little paint, layering thin transparent colors on top of each other to achieve the desired effect. This approach lets you look into the paint.

I'm a geezer now, so there won't be many more Western landscape paintings flowing out of my brush.  As of this writing, I am currently working on the last five of what I had planned on being my last six red rock paintings.  Twilight on the Colorado was the first of this last set of red rock landscape paintings completed in Dec. 2013, all started the same week in November 2012.  Since it usually takes hundreds of hours to complete one of my paintings it will be no surprise that I don't expect to have the last of them done until late 2015.  As I am painting them in rotation- a week or two on this one and then on to the next one and so on, they are all well on the way. After this, I am hoping to explore some other subjects and do some less traditional figurative paintings (unleashing my inner surrealist persona) and get back to working in my "new art form".  Along the way, I will also be working on my book, "How" , basically, a creative primer—a step-by-step guide on how to create literally anything.  Stay tuned...."

R. Geoffrey Blackburn

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Revised: 02/02/25