The Art of R. Geoffrey Blackburn

R. Geoffrey Blackburn Road to Sedona oil painting

"Road to Sedona"

Oil on Panel


Description Size Price
Oil on Panel
6 x 21.25 in  (15.2 x 54 cm) Sold
Giclée Print 6 x 21.25 in  (15.2 x 54 cm) inquire
Giclée Print:  (Artist's Proof) 6 x 21.25 in  (15.2 x 54 cm) inquire
Giclée Print: 8 x 29.5 in  (61 x 91.4 cm) inquire
Giclée Print:  (Artist's Proof) 8 x 29.5 in  (61 x 91.4 cm) inquire

Custom sizes and formats available contact:

"Road to Sedona"

"This painting came about from a trip to Sedona, Arizona in Oct of 2005. My friend Jean and I were on the road to Sedona from the south having come from Scottsdale. It was a gorgeous morning with big clouds rolling in from the west. I stopped the car several times and hiked off the road and shot dozens of pictures–The air was clean, brisk and fragrant with desert smells. The ground still sparkled with dew–I couldn't get enough!

When I returned to my Salt Lake City studio I uploaded my photos onto my computer where they languished for 18 +- months until I could begin work on the panoramic painting I had in mind. When finally I began reviewing my photos I discovered that I had captured a crow (I think) in one of my shots, perfectly positioned for a painting. The dramatic sky, the bird, the magic of the desert were too much for me I had to paint it! working from multiple photos and a couple of sketches, I began on 8/23/06 and finished on 3/7/07— 125 Hours later.

I chose a panoramic image on a small 6"x 21" panel with the idea of generating various "Road to Sedona" giclée print versions in different sizes. I added considerable detail to the original painting to make this work. Each size reveals something of my technique. By the time you get to 40+ inches in height (the original painting is 6"), the print has become impressionistic in style. The panoramic format lends itself to very large giclée prints e.g., 4' x 15'. I would like to install one of these monster prints in a long hall or a large room–have it wrap around a corner or two. It would feel like you are looking out a massive set of windows."

R. Geoffrey Blackburn


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Revised: 02/02/25